First off, whenever I spell needles, I want to put a k in front of it..weird.

Anyhow, lately I haven’t been doing any FUN knitting lately, between school and trying to maintain a social life, I’ve been a slacker. But, I have been doing knitting for hire (and presents!).

For my aunt, I did a cabled tea mug cozy. At first I was going to do a cabled head band, but I was designing it myself and I just couldn’t get it right. I felt like the cable was either too little or too large for the head band that I wanted.

I was on a serious time constraint, and designing was taking a lot longer then expected, so I took the lazy way out. So here is my cozy!


Overall, this was a fun and quick project, and I would recommend it to someone who is comfortable knitting, and has a little cabling experience under their belt. I don’t think it’s necessary to be an expert in it, I’ve only done cabling a handful of times and I didn’t have any trouble.

The other project I’ve been working on lately are the scarves – I don’t know what to call them, I have the photos on my computer saved as ‘Swirly Scarf’, because it seems to fit. I’ve been making a lot of these scarves for my mom and her friends, mostly. I would like to start expanding though, beyond that specific group, and beyond this scarf. Doing the same project over and over isn’t helping me improve, but instead just giving me carpel tunnel (this is a gross exaggeration, but my hands and wrists do hurt a lot).

              I have a love hate relationship with these scarves, they remind me of jellyfish tentacles which is cool, but the yarn twists into itself as you knit, so the farther along you go, the more difficult it gets.

             I get a lot of requests for these scarves, I’ve made three so far since I got home on Friday. I’ve done them in browns, pinks, reds, and blues. I only took pictures of this one, because it is a little bit repetitive, considering it’s the same scarf over and over again.

          I’m hoping that I can do something adventurous next, I am lusting over Kate Davie‘s designs. They’re so amazing, and I would love to try one of those out. But for now, as a broke college student, I’ll continue with the swirly scarves!

          Happy knitting! xx